The Floyd Effect

With elections a few days away, crime statistics are finally being widely discussed in the press. So...I’m not going to pass up one last chance to deluge you with new graphs based on the CDC’s WONDER database of causes of death. Democratic politicians have been flailing about looking for a way ...


With an election coming up, various well-known Democrats haven’t been able to keep themselves from arguing with me on Twitter about crime statistics, which tends to be an imprudent idea. For example, David Simon, creator of the famous TV show about black crime in Baltimore, The Wire, has been ...

Barenaked Ladies

Stanley b/w Rogers

Ali G: [Explaining his business idea] What is the most popular thing in the world? Donald Trump: [Ponders the question, then decisively finds the right answer] Music. G: [After a long pause] No. Trump: [Bored] Tell me. G: Ice cream! Trump: Okay... Because music may well be the most popular thing in ...

Invasion of the Nasty Nerds

The so-far triumphant transgender movement is a political coalition that includes two polar opposite sets of allies who are so radically different in their thought styles that they can’t even begin to understand each other: naive nice moms and smart but not-at-all nice nerdy ex-men. The ...

The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries

The Dynamics of Repute

The rise and fall of fame—or at least of the number of times books mention the name of an artist or other historical figure—can be conveniently graphed using Google’s free Ngram Viewer. Google has digitized the contents of 129 million books. Ngram lets you look up how relatively frequently a ...


A Little Learning

At least since the 2002 book IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen, social scientists have been publishing rankings of countries by average cognitive test scores and pointing out how closely these figures correlate with gross domestic product per capita. The mere existence ...

Do Psyops Actually Work?

In today’s political struggles, all sides are increasingly convinced that the other guys are conspiring to employ devious, insidious, all-conquering social media schemes to brainwash the world into obeying their nefarious wishes. For instance, on Sunday The New York Times ran a lengthy article ...

An End to Conquering

The success of Ukraine’s surprise northeastern offensive suggests a fundamental problem for the invaders: When it comes to seizing and holding land in Ukraine, the average Russian soldier’s heart just isn’t in it. But why should it be? After all, unlike Patrick Swayze’s guerrilla in Red ...

Mississippi State Capitol

Mississippi Shrinking

Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, didn’t have running water last week. Fortunately, water pressure has now been restored, but the unhappy residents are still being instructed to boil their tap water. The Washington Post explains that the reason 82.5 percent black Jackson can’t keep its ...

Fred and Adele Astaire

My Lesbian Dance Theory

During the dog days of August, there was a brief flurry of partisan excitement when Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert denounced the White House’s student loan giveaway as, “Joe Biden is robbing hardworking Americans to pay for Karen’s daughter’s degree in lesbian dance theory.” In ...