The Cost of Prejudice

We"€™re down to Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Hillary, or Bernie, and in the midst of all the panic, you can"€™t help but think, "€œDoes it really matter?"€ What percentage will your annual tax rate go up? Bernie could take away these friendly interest rates investors are enjoying, but George W. ...

Politics as Fashion Is a Bad Look

Great news, anarchists, you have your martyr. LaVoy Finicum has just been shot by the Feds after a two-month standoff with authorities. He represented ranchers who were being bullied by a government hungry for the ranchers"€™ valuable land. The government accused the farmers of terrorism after ...

Trump Has Had Enough

Sarah Palin just endorsed Trump in a shrill speech that sounded like the cheerleaders from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It's "€œyuge"€ for his campaign because she's likely to bring all the Tea Party holdouts who didn"€™t think he was conservative enough. It's even yuger for the liberals ...

Angelina Jolie

Propaganda Pop Culture: From Cuckmercials to “€˜Star Wars”€™

I recently heard comedian Nick DiPaolo say, "€œI don"€™t think I can watch Angelina Jolie beat the shit out of six Green Berets. My suspension of disbelief just can"€™t take it."€ He was describing the art of ruining a great movie with propaganda, which is becoming the norm. The morbidly ...

Ammon Bundy

The Plight of the Modern Rebel

This past Wednesday at 1:30 a.m. a Southern man who goes by the moniker "€œSaint Negro"€ tweeted, "€œWe are doing the same thing Rosa Parks did,"€ under a fake Twitter account called @Ammon_Bundy. Ammon is obviously the son of rancher Cliven Bundy and he's in Oregon right now fighting for ...

10 Violent Koran Verses and the Terror They Spawned

I recently interviewed Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer and we went through 10 examples of the Koran being violent. After the video went live, we got all the common refrains about how the Bible is even worse and the Crusades this and the Old Testament that and Hoseah 13:16 and Psalms 137:9 encourage us ...

5 Quotes Overheard at Christmas

The Christian holiday based on the birth of Jesus and made even more kid-friendly by Northern European folklore is upon us. The odds are pretty high you"€™re one of the nearly 100 million Americans who traveled to spend it with family, and the odds are even higher you"€™re going to have a ...

Seeing the World Through Third World Eyes

Last night wasn"€™t particularly eventful. We went out to dinner with some guys from work to celebrate Christmas break. The restaurant wasn"€™t very fancy and we spent a normal amount of money. Then I put on my Third World glasses and screamed, "€œHoly shit!"€ When you compare your average ...

An Idiot’s Guide to Getting Dressed

A millennial walked into my office this week looking like a simpleton with a court date. He had a cheap suit on with square-toed shoes and his hair lay flat on his forehead like Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber. His shirt came straight out of the dirty laundry and the collar on it was so crumpled it ...

What’s Really Behind the San Bernardino Shooting: Paternity Leave

The first thing I thought when I heard the names of Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, was "€œThey sound like new parents."€ Sure enough, the couple had a baby six months ago and had the tenacity to drop it off at Grandma's before the shooting. America is the only country in the ...