Lining Up to Get Berned

I went to a Bernie Sanders rally dressed as a liberal douche and it went exactly as expected. It was in Washington Square Park next to NYU and there were about 27,000 students, hipsters, and Ben & Jerry's boomers there with pamphlets and buttons and kooky sunglasses. As with the Trump rallies, ...

Feminism Is Ruining Women’s Soccer

"€œEqual pay for equal work should be a fundamental principle of our economy,"€ bellowed President Obama on Tuesday while commemorating Equal Pay Day. "€œIt's the idea that whether you"€™re a high school teacher, a business executive, or a professional soccer player or tennis player, your ...

Gavin McInnes and Bisexual Twerp

Fear and Loathing at the Trump Rally

We went to the Trump rally in (sorry, "€œon"€) Long Island Wednesday night and it was a blast. He chose Bethpage, which is a relatively blue-collar town, and the rally was in the same airplane hangar they used to build F-14s in. I was with cabdriver comic Jimmy Failla, who was dressed like an ...

Michelle Fields

Michelle Fields Is Not Black and Blue

When #TheDress became a viral sensation last year, you had people who were absolutely positive the dress was gold and white while others looking at the same picture were just as sure it was black and blue. It was a stupid meme, but it dominated the news cycle and had family members screaming ...

Bring Lexi Home

On Monday, agents from L.A. County's Department of Children and Family Services removed 6-year-old Lexi from her family of four years because she's 1.6% American Indian. Foster-care parents the Pages were told of the decision on Friday night and before they could contest it, authorities ripped the ...

I Hate the Comments Here

I"€™ve been writing for this site since 2008 and am very thankful to be a part of the Takimag family. It didn"€™t even occur to me to jump ship when the Derb was lynched and outside of my loyalty to the bravest old codger writing today, I didn"€™t leave because Takimag is unapologetically ...

Comedians: Doing the Jobs Happy Americans Won”€™t Do

Comedians hate Donald Trump with so much vitriol, it looks like they"€™re siding with Bernie purely out of spite. Obviously both sides have their supporters and it's not unusual for someone in the arts to go left, but this is different. They don"€™t simply disagree with Trump. They despise ...

Rescuing America From Itself

Last week, Kurdish authorities rescued 16-year-old Marlin Stivani Nivarlain at the behest of the Swedish government. Like something out of an SNL sketch, she had emigrated to northern Iraq because her boyfriend joined ISIS and she thought it would be fun. It wasn"€™t. "€œIn the house, we ...

More From the Housewives, Please

"€œComing up next we have retired Air Force lieutenant general Tom McInerney, financial analyst Ross Gerber, and a housewife from Nebraska named Pam."€ Why don"€™t we ever see that on the news? I"€™m serious. Housewives make up almost a third of American moms and that is a massive piece of ...

Future Letter From a Socialist to President Trump

It's 2019 and the fact that you and Vice President Cruz have decided to run for a second term deeply disturbs those of us who still care about this country. Like many true patriots, my wife and I voted for Sanders in 2016 and considered moving to France when you and that creepy Canadian won. We ...