The Secret Relationship Between Rahm and Lou

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, he of the tiny fingers and ballet costumes, has lately taken to speaking about "€œvalues."€ Chicagoans are killing one another at a clip 40% ...

Clarence Leon Williams and Thomas Chatterton Williams

A Trayvon by any Other Name

The first time I saw the name "€œTrayvon Martin"€ was on March 16 while reading an arguable but intelligent New York Times op-ed. Entitled "€œAs Black As We Wish to ...

Snatching Cultural Marxism From the Mouths of Hungry Babes

In keeping with its world-famous heartlessness, the United States has defunded UNESCO. The world's innocent children are unjustly suffering even as you read this. Such has been ...

La Torre de Babel

Alejandrina Cabrera was born and raised in America and graduated in the 1980s from the same Arizona public high school as former UFC heavyweight champion Cain “Brown Pride” ...

The Bluff

Blight of the Living Dead

If you’re visiting Atlanta and aren’t looking to be shot in the face, swarmed by smack dealers, stopped by cops merely for being white, or set ablaze by an HIV-positive ...

Americans, Canadians—What’s the Difference?

Writing about the differences between Canadians and Americans isn’t as easy as it used to be. In 2004, for instance, the night before George W. Bush made his first visit to ...

Donald Sutherland

An Alien Pod Person in a Room Full of Leftists

There is a phenomenon here in the Northeast where being conservative—no, wait, being not left—is to turn everyone in the room into Donald Sutherland from Invasion of the Body ...

High Gas Prices = Low Regard for Rural Culture

In our native Appalachia, my wife’s family and my own were fruitful and multiplied; in fact, my wife has roughly 60 first cousins. But to most moderns, our own family of ...

Europe’s Culture War Against America

Socialist elements within the European Union disapprove of America and welcome any opportunity to criticize and undermine it. Three topics will facilitate their attack"€”the ...

Will Multiculturalism End Europe?

Multiculturalism has “totally failed,” says German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “State multiculturalism has had disastrous results,” says Britain’s ...

Beyond the Burqa: America’s Role in Regulating Taste

France's recent "€œBurqa Ban"€ has provoked all the global indignation and murderous outrage one would have expected. Pointed observations on the irony of a liberal democracy ...

Robert Putnam: Still Bowling Alone

When we contemplate for a moment the actual number of the year we are living through, it is usually anniversaries—centenaries, bicentenaries, and the like—that come to ...

In Defense of Stoning

The first and biggest mistake Americans make when analyzing the Middle East is assuming they are us. When France gave us the Statue of Liberty, we stopped making fun of them for a ...

Solving for Y

The first time we spoke she walked past me, pointed at my feet without breaking her stride, and sternly said, "€œGood shoes."€ By the time I thought of something to say back ...

United States vs. England

When Buchanan dared to ask who would assimilate better, a million Englishmen or a million Zulus, the Left pooped their pants. I still don"€™t understand why. What really should ...

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