Butler Library, Columbia University

Forever Thirteen

Oh, help. It seems that at Columbia University a rat pack of nursery feminists have got their skivvies in a knot because the library, Butler, is named for an, ugh!, man. Yes. It ...

Peyton Manning

Killing Chip to Save Tyrone

If a runaway trolley were about to smash into a bus containing 100 trapped members of the Harlem Jazz Orchestra, would you push a wholly innocent man named Chip Ellsworth III onto ...

It’s Hard to Be a Homo in Russia

A new Cold War is brewing between Russia and the West, but this time it's being fought over the rainbow flag. As the USA rapidly morphs into a continent-spanning version of Fire ...

The Real Threat to British Elites

Recent incidents of Muslims behaving badly"€”such as the butchering of British soldier Lee Rigby by two Islamic-convert African immigrants, the riots in Stockholm, and the ...

Institutional Stockholm Syndrome

Last week saw prolonged riots in Sweden and a surreal midday beheading in England, while the paid parrots of the Multi Cult spared no effort in blaming everyone but the rioters ...

Imam Shahid Mehdi

The Muff-Crazed Mufti

Imam Shahid Mehdi"€”interpreter of Islamic law, respected Muslim scholar, and former lingerie salesman"€”is a Denmark-based mufti who managed to outrage both the left-wing ...

Piers Morgan

No Tears for Piers

Does anyone still watch CNN, or as I call it, That Irritating Background Noise at the Airport? When news breaks, most folks hurry to the Drudge Report or FOX News (if ten ...

Sour on the Saudis

Saudi Arabia will not have Uncle Sam to kick around much longer. This is the best news I"€™ve heard since both the Governor of New York State and a Congressman from the depraved ...

The Rodents of Amsterdam

As Pastor Martin Niemöller famously wrote: First they came for the loud, obnoxious, drunken neighbors who defecated on my front lawn, tossed their beer bottles through my ...

Stirrings of Secession

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ...” So begins the ...

The Magical Hip-Hop Get Out of Jail Free Card

Barack Obama’s greatest talent is his ability to take unabashed lawbreakers or wannabe cop-killers and suddenly turn them into unapologetic cheerleaders for big government. ...

Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull

The Irreconcilable Conflict

Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat. Thus did Kipling, the Poet of Empire, ...

Losing Our Turbulence

The country of my birth no longer much resembles the country of my birth, mainly as a result of mass immigration. Britons were already grumbling about the influx of Third ...

Race Cost Her the Race

Voula Papachristou isn"€™t all Greek to me. What I mean is, the triple-jumper's blonde locks look downright Swedish. My experience with Hellenic femininity begins and ends ...

The Secret Relationship Between Rahm and Lou

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, he of the tiny fingers and ballet costumes, has lately taken to speaking about "€œvalues."€ Chicagoans are killing one another at a clip 40% ...

Clarence Leon Williams and Thomas Chatterton Williams

A Trayvon by any Other Name

The first time I saw the name "€œTrayvon Martin"€ was on March 16 while reading an arguable but intelligent New York Times op-ed. Entitled "€œAs Black As We Wish to ...

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