David Cameron

David Cameron’s Finest Hour

Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to veto Germany’s demand for a new European fiscal union will define his premiership. More than that, Cameron has raised a ...

Rise of the Euro-Reich

Back in the 1940s the Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht had to bomb and invade countries to prove das Herrenvolk’s superiority over Europe’s lesser peoples. Now, thanks to those lesser ...

Angela Merkel

Germany’s Collective Self-Debasement

German historian Wolfgang Schivelbusch published a far-ranging 2003 study on the culture of defeated nations that focuses on three cases: the American South after the Civil War, ...

Can a Geriatric Germany Save Europe?

As Greece lurches on the precipice of default on its sovereign debt, a default that could bring down banks across Europe and precipitate a global financial panic, a consensus is ...

Roundup of Europe’s Meltdown

OK. Things are heating up in the old continent after a boiling summer. October will be the cruelest month, as the poet didn’t exactly say, but it might also be crunch time. ...

French or Not French?

The Frogs are at it again—the French Resistance has reemerged, this time in an iPhone version. A mélange of French anti-racist and pro-Jewish groups whipped themselves into a ...

The Vicious Circle of Greek Politics

Most people in America don’t realize that Greece is a very new country—its independent-nation status was made official in 1830. Greece is as old as Belgium but far more poor. ...

A Fire Bell in the Night for Norway

“Like a fire bell in the night,” wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1820, “this momentous question ... awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the ...

Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel

A Greek Epic in the Making

With all of the news of riots and disturbances in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen it is a facile thing to overlook another global hotspot. (Not Chicago, though ...

Raffaele Bendandi

Rumblings in Europe

Last week the global media was all abuzz with ridicule over those backward Italian peasants"€“to the media, a peasant is anyone possessing less than $1 million Euros. It seems ...

The Revolt of the Pampered

For the fourth day running, France has been crippled by strikes. Airlines are canceling flights. Travelers making their way to Paris from DeGaulle and Orly face long ...


Apart from "€œrogue"€ politicians like Geert Wilders, Europeans leaders seem only willing to speak of the problem of dismal birth rates in the Old World by resorting to ...

The Fear of God

Among the most subversive aspects of the Enlightenment Project is its insistence on the radical incompatibility of Christianity with the Classical and Germanic traditions. In his ...

What Price NATO?

In August, the Georgian navy seized a Turkish tanker carrying fuel to Abkhazia, Georgia’s former province whose declaration of independence a year ago is recognized by ...

Dark Continent

Under Discussion: Christopher Caldwell, Reflections on the Revolution In Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West, Doubleday (2009), 432 pages.  Christopher Caldwell opens ...

Georgia Peach

Fidel Castro received a warm welcome in Moscow, and finally left alone with Nikita Khrushchev, ripped off his wig, detached his beard, and collapsed, “I can’t do this ...

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