Lena Dunham

Not That Kind of Sexual Predator

I suppose that since I find Lena Dunham to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster, I am a sexist, a fat-shamer, and, hell, even an anti-Semite. None of this changes the fact that ...

The Long March Through the Arcade

First they came to ruthlessly pillage the comic-book world, so I suppose it’s only natural"€”in their inimitably unnatural way"€”that the social-justice warriors would ...

Six Stupid Things Adults Believe About Spring Break

I got in a "€œteensy"€ bit of trouble last week for saying you should be more worried about your daughters attending Spring Break than your sons. The quotes that got yanked ...

Escaping America’s Youf

American has a "€œyouth"€ problem or, as sometimes put, a problem with “youfs” or “teens” or even “thugs.” Most people correctly ...

Children and Guns: The Hidden Dads

On Sunday, the front page of The New York Times featured a dad holding a .22 with his kid under the headline, "€œChildren and Guns: The Hidden Toll."€ What a bunch of ...

A Nation of Working-Class Dropouts

Every time a liberal sees someone behaving badly they sigh and say, "€œThey just need education,"€ but the solution to America's problems is less education, not more. If we ...

Getting Wasted is Wasted on the Young

The kids today are often accused of being mindless consumers, but I don"€™t see it. They get their clothes secondhand, they steal their music, and they opt for skateboards and ...

Entrepreneurial Graffiti

It's 2012 in New York City and grown men are still writing their nicknames on everything. They come up with names such as Revok and Daim and vandalize other people's property in a ...

A (Long, Hot) Fun Safe Summer

At the end of last year's long, hot, flash-mob summer, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter stood at a church pulpit in the City of Brotherly Love doing his best Bill Cosby ...

Crossing Bridges on May Day

How was your May Day? Mine was all right. Actually, that's not true. It started off left, turned right, stayed right, and then went left again. I went to an OWS protest, sent out ...

Bursting Gen Y’s Bubble

Generation Y grew up in a bubble of PC feel-goodery that cushioned them from the monster of reality. As a member of Gen Y, I received first-hand experience with this bubble. It ...

In Defense of Bullying

I was the shortest child in every grade, cursed with crooked teeth, thick glasses, and a permanent frown. Yet despite (or because of) my “Wednesday Addams” mien, I was never ...

The Young and the Lazy

Though the Bible says that rich people getting into heaven is as likely as squeezing a 1500-pound mammal through a tiny hole, it’s worth noting that the vast majority of ...

Share the Wealth but not Your Blanket

The left finally has a poster boy for the “Occupy” movement, and his name is Shawn Coleman. He encapsulates the liberal “What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine” ...

99% Wrong

The children—dozens of them at first, then hundreds—gathered in downtown Manhattan on September 17 to change the world. For better or worse, they’re still there. They may ...

Charlie Gilmour

Modern English

Dear old England. What a wonderful country we live in. Change and decay in all around I see. Europe is in a state of near-collapse. Chaos and rioting have run rife throughout the ...

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