Adria Richards

Nerds Behaving Badly

The "€œmicroaggressions"€ website reads like comedy. It is pathetic and funny, yet it is beginning to look like the manifesto of our future overlords: a tyranny of the ...


Infantile Conservatism

Regularly now, The Washington Post, as always concerned with fairness and balance, runs a blog called “Right Turn: Jennifer Rubin’s Take From a Conservative ...

When Push Comes to Shoving Cripples

Poor Richard Widmark. He made over 60 movies, but when he died in 2008, obit reels highlighted one infamous scene from 1947's Kiss of Death, the film that made him a star. The ...

The Epic Failure of Tantrum Politics

In politics as in life, the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, but the other three wheels are finally telling the squeaky wheel to shut the hell up. Fast food and public ...

The Reverend Al Sharpton

My 10 Favorite Hate-Crime Hoaxes

It was a tough week for racial witch hunters. In fact, it's been a tough quarter-century for them. Reality keeps knocking the liberal media off its high horse. When they picked up ...

John Liu

What Will New York Do in Lieu of Liu?

In New York City, an unraveling campaign-finance scandal is leading toward the possible resignation and indictment of John Liu, a former city councilman known to be planning a ...

Did ‘The Great Society’ Ruin Society?

“I’m not concerned about the very poor. We have a safety net there. If it needs a repair, I’ll fix it.” Thus did Mitt Romney supposedly commit the gaffe ...

Judging Police Brutality on a Tase-by-Tase Basis

Dark decades of direct experience with human beings have given us reason to operate from an ecumenical distrust of human nature. Although perfectly natural, human nature is a foul ...

Chief Clarence Louie

The Big-Screen TVs of Turtle Island

“Why is there ALWAYS a big screen tv?” That was Saskatchewan blogger Kate McMillan’s one-line post about Canada’s “First Nations communities” last Friday night. So ...

Let’s Squash the Squatters

Squatting. It’s so…European. Like the bidet, squatting as political theater never caught on in America. Lengthy “vigils” and “tent cities”—such as the Ottawa ...

Mark Garfield Moore aka Prezidenteeh

A Canadian Hip-Hop Serial Killer?

Michael Moore’s unsolicited tongue baths to the contrary, Canada’s crime rate isn’t lower because we have fewer guns than America, as yet another peer-reviewed study proved ...

Occupy Wall Street: No Vacancies

The left is desperate to have Occupy Wall Street ripple into a movement to challenge the Tea Party. The problem is that this movement’s “Occupants” are as relevant as navel ...

Warren Buffett

The Orifice of Omaha

Warren Buffett is the outspoken ass of a generation. Perhaps that comes with being conservative in his demeanor yet liberal with other people’s money. But this extends well ...

The Obama Family Circus

Not so long ago, Barack Obama electrified and mesmerized not only America but the entire solar system and even parts of the Crab Nebula with his transparently empty promises, his ...

How to Comment Without Getting Killed

Oh, what a warm womb of anonymity the Internet provides for the frustrated, the voiceless, the inadequate, the terminally unpleasant, the unpublished writers, and the grown men ...

Somali Sex Trafficking Arrestees

Canada’s Somali Problem

Let’s consider ourselves fortunate that Canada’s Somali settlers—the word “immigrant” is so 20th century—seem more or less content with killing each other. On the last ...

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