Google Goggles

As if smart phones weren’t irritating enough, by the end of the year people will be wearing them on their faces. Google Glasses will finally allow trendy transhumanists to see the world through Terminator-style digital eyes. According to the boosters, these high-tech sunglasses will come ...

Race: Real and Surreal

I tried to go into the 2012 American Renaissance conference without prejudice, but it was difficult. I’ve been taught since childhood that whites can’t be white together without the streets running red with blood. Look at NASCAR, punk rock, or ice hockey. Everyone knows that only ...

Jesus Returns (in a Tour Bus)

Christian rock is just like any other music that sucks, except it’s played for Jesus. The other night I peeked into our local arena and found it filled to max capacity for the "€œWinter Jam 2012 Tour Spectacular."€ Maybe Jesus really is coming back…in a tour bus. To ...

Thar’s Meth in Them Thar Hills

Two years ago Oak Ridge, TN housed the world's fastest supercomputer. Even better, my state took the #1 rank for meth-lab busts that year. Nothing says "€œvicarious achiever"€ like state pride, but those glory days were short-lived. In October 2010, as Tennessee’s Jaguar computer ...

Smash Nomophobia!

Nomophobia, or "€œno-mobile-phobia,"€ sounds as stupid as luposlipaphobia. At least the latter"€”the fear of being chased by wolves on slick kitchen linoleum while wearing socks"€”is meant to be a joke. Since mid-February, over a hundred news stories have popped up to warn the public: ...

Katy Perry

The Boredom of Whoredom

A good woman is hard to find, especially if you’re a rigger. That’s my job, though—I climb high steel in arenas and rig tons upon tons of concert equipment. The more vacuous the music, the more dazzling the doodads. Over the last few months, Katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Lady Gaga came ...

Male Gays and the Male Gaze

It’s amazing what a man will do for love. To please my girlfriend, I recently found myself at a private, clothing-optional gay club in New Orleans. Lounging beside a pool where long dongs swing freely and helmet-heads casually wag by is somewhat alienating, but it seemed unwise to skip out on ...

Election Eve 2008: A Bad Night to be White in Harlem

Two years ago, I was invited to an Election Eve party in Harlem. I found New York was vibrating with premature praise for our Savior. Centuries of cruel white hegemony would crumble beneath the "€œpost-racial president."€ Wisely, no one predicted an end to anti-white racism. They didn’t ...

Cybershark Feeding Frenzy

The perverse coupling of surveillance and exhibitionism forms a cornerstone of American technocracy. Most Americans, be they liberals or libertarians, are unnerved by government agents, corporate data-miners, or high-tech Peeping Toms probing their personal details. And yet invasive, weirdly ...

Beyond the Burqa: America’s Role in Regulating Taste

France's recent "€œBurqa Ban"€ has provoked all the global indignation and murderous outrage one would have expected. Pointed observations on the irony of a liberal democracy which tells its citizens what they can and can"€™t wear were soon followed by Muslims making lunatic bomb threats. Al ...