For even the most mildly sentient among us, living in the modern world is like being crucified on an old rugged cross of perpetual annoyance. Public discourse"if you can call ...
When, a little more than 45 years ago, we arrived in the city of Peshawar from Afghanistan, it seemed a peaceful and romantic place. True enough, the Khyber Pass had not been safe ...
The late Jean-Claude Duvalier, better known as Baby Doc, played only a small part in my life. I arrived in Haiti for the first time two years after his downfall, during the ...
I used to think that no one would ever again smell like my grandmother: that is to say, of naphthalene mothballs. She had them even in her handbag in case a moth was lurking ...
When I arrived in the city of Maiduguri nearly thirty years ago, everyone was away at the public executions. It was a ghost town until the spectators returned as from a football ...
Yesterday a young woman who was unknown to me except at third hand died. She was the friend of a friend of my wife. Considering that I was personally unacquainted with her, and ...
It is common for aging men, worn by the long years of drink and skirt-chasing and strenuous dissolution in the fleshpots of Asia, or any available fleshpots, to remember their ...
Experts agree that 2013 was the most racist year since the one that started the Civil War. Everywhere you looked someone or something was being racist, even asparagus. Most of ...
"Tis the season of reminiscence and prognostication. Let's get the future out of the way first. I"ve made the same three predictions every January for the last thirty ...
As someone who's offended by nothing but annoyed by everyone, I found no shortage of people this past year to stoke the angry embers of my irascible soul. Try as I may to shield ...
One of the pleasures of The Rolling Stones is that until recently they seem to have gotten by without a care for the bland pieties of the age. There have been no impassioned calls ...
The unctuous pseudo-grief in the West after Nelson Mandela's death at the good age of 95 was to me nauseating in the extreme; it was so overdone that, though I am no Freudian, it ...
I recently sat down with a friend of more than fifty years, Reinaldo Herrera, and was filmed while lunching by Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair, also an old friend, ...
Friday marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Putting that aside, the most important question for the average American would be: How does the modern primetime network ...
Last week saw commemorations of the 75th anniversary of Germany's Kristallnacht and the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor. Judging from Western news coverage, ...
William Shatner missed his calling. It’s no secret that the Star Trek icon’s “acting” and “singing” make up a double-decker Dagwood sandwich ...