Crushing Puppies, Crushing on Nazis!

As my regular readers know, I don’t care for Ron Unz. And that’s putting it mildly. I consider him an open sore on the scrotum of the world, a tumor on life’s testicles. He’s the ’net’s No. 1 propagator of Holocaust denial, and he’s proud of it. He’s a professional fabricator, a polluter of historiography. Holocaust deniers push back against my Unz hatred because they’re his fellow morons. Fine; tards truck with tards. But some of my readers who are decent, intelligent folks also give me pushback on Unz. “Oh Dave, he’s a free-speech guy! He just wants all views to be ...

“Screw the Jews” Might Bring Bad News

Last week we talked about overcorrection. This week, let’s see how the right’s gonna use that shotgun to blow off its remaining toes. As I pointed out last year, the GOP goes ...

The Putz and the Pendulum

My 2023 word of the year was “intractable”—problems that aren’t going away. Dysgenic black America, the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Every proposed “final solution” is ...

Plastic Explosives: A Very Barbie Christmas, Part One

Just in time to ruin another generation of toddlers’ enjoyment of Christmas, the Barbie Liberation Organization are back! But...who the hell are they? By now, you have probably ...


Wailing (at a) Wall

I’ve no next of kin. When I die, I have no idea what’s gonna happen to my house. Not that I don’t have a plan: After I stroke out on my bedroom floor, my corpse will putrefy ...

No Straight Lines in Gay Geometry

Now that your kids are “safely” back at school and college this September, what are they actually learning? How to eat shit, that’s what. In 2022, teaching materials ...

C’mon, Republicans, Let’s Get Hitlerized!

Simply everyone’s talkin’ about Hitler! Let’s join the fun. Remember in 2015, when leftists called Trump a Nazi and we were like, “Nice try! You called Romney a Nazi! ...

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolfberg?

This column’s posting the day of the midterms, and that’s all anyone’s gonna want to read about. But I’m more of a postmortem guy than a prediction guy (I gave up doing ...

Kanye West

The Jews Are Ye’s Misfortune

Kanye West’s Jew-obsessed meltdown offers many potential angles for analysis. I could start with the “why do you still trust Tucker?” angle. Carlson prefaced his ...

Curse of the Ghetto Golems

Golem tales always follow the same template: A Jew builds a monster of clay to destroy his enemies, but in the end the golem turns on its creator. In 2019, in a piece that ...

“Both Sides Now” (in the Key of Auschwitz)

I’m growing increasingly annoyed at the “demographics is destiny” trope. Not because it’s incorrect (it isn’t), but because more and more it’s being used as a ...

Melina Abdullah

The Dysgenic Duo

Can America survive blacks and Jews? Nope. Thanks for reading, folks! See you next time. Uh...I seem to have come in a little short this week. Okay, I’ll be more ...

Hand in Hand to Hell: The Black/Jewish “Alliance”

Last week was the anniversary of the siege of Masada. The Jews lost that one, though contemporary scholars spin it as a victory in spirit. Also last week was a more modern-day ...

Farifax Avenue, Los Angeles

Never Again! (Some Restrictions May Apply)

There are certain “firsts” we all remember from youth. Our first kiss. Our first car. Our first time being chased off a college campus by an angry mob of Jews shouting, ...

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