In the 1964 movie Lady in a Cage, Olivia de Havilland stars as a fancy lady with a broken hip who finds herself trapped in her staircase elevator during a power outage. Her cries for help alert the “wrong element”; James Caan (his first substantial role) plays a burping, grunting thug who, along with his blonde girlfriend and greasy Mexican sidekick, decides to ransack the house, all while taunting the “lady in a cage” with jabs about sex and status. If you haven’t seen it, I bet you just can’t wait! All throughout the movie Caan and his gang show an absolute disregard for human ...
This was gonna be my end-of-the-year wrap-up (it was written and proofed and everything), but the Vivek “mediocre culture” thing got me fired up, so I’ll run the New Year’s column next ...
Takimag recently reported on a Bronx-based so-called “Racial Justice Center” that released a handy guide for how to racially ruin Christmas by going around asking intentionally stupid questions ...
You need to start taking semen more seriously. As in, not wanting to ingest it. Unless, of course, that’s your thing. But enough about Nick Fuentes. An unfortunately common ...
What can we get used to? That’s a pivotal question for people, and communities. How much reluctant acclimatization is possible? To what extent can we learn to live with things ...
Jacque Fresco is a man who requires no introduction. Wait...hold on...I screwed that up. Lemme start again. Jacque Fresco is a man who requires a lengthy fucking introduction. ...
My regular readers know that sometimes I’ll take a roundabout route to get to my point. Dave’s Regular Readers: “Sometimes? You pull that shit every week.” Sorry, ...
As my regular readers know, I don’t care for Ron Unz. And that’s putting it mildly. I consider him an open sore on the scrotum of the world, a tumor on life’s testicles. ...
In this Year of Our Lord 2024, it is now becoming increasingly difficult to tell the real news stories from the fake-news spoofs. I recently saw a story with the headline “Gay ...
Time was, you had to make a real effort to contact the ghost of Adolf Hitler. Konstantin Raudive was a Latvian doctor and pioneer of the “Electronic Voice Phenomenon” (EVP), ...
Last week we talked about overcorrection. This week, let’s see how the right’s gonna use that shotgun to blow off its remaining toes. As I pointed out last year, the GOP goes ...
My 2023 word of the year was “intractable”—problems that aren’t going away. Dysgenic black America, the Israel/Palestinian conflict. Every proposed “final solution” is ...
Just in time to ruin another generation of toddlers’ enjoyment of Christmas, the Barbie Liberation Organization are back! But...who the hell are they? By now, you have probably ...
I’ve no next of kin. When I die, I have no idea what’s gonna happen to my house. Not that I don’t have a plan: After I stroke out on my bedroom floor, my corpse will putrefy ...
Now that your kids are “safely” back at school and college this September, what are they actually learning? How to eat shit, that’s what. In 2022, teaching materials ...
Simply everyone’s talkin’ about Hitler! Let’s join the fun. Remember in 2015, when leftists called Trump a Nazi and we were like, “Nice try! You called Romney a Nazi! ...