The Memorial Day Mobs

Though few Americans realize it, Memorial Day has roots that are partially racial in nature. It was originally called “Decoration Day” and was first celebrated by a group composed entirely of black Freedmen in Charleston, SC, to honor Union soldiers—nine in ten of whom where white—who’d ...

Planks, But No Planks: The Fatal Idiocy of “Planking”

On the off chance that you lead a remotely fulfilling life and were busy working, studying, or having sex—even alone—on Wednesday, you may have missed the “First Annual Global Planking Day” and been none the worse for it. You might even be one of the rare souls lucky enough never to have ...

Bring Us the Head of Ronald McDonald

Among the thousands of wailing grievance groups the progressive left nurtures, enables, coddles, and waters, "€œfood activists"€ tend to be among the most humorlessly fascistic. Considering the other contestants, that's saying a mouthful"€”in fact, it's like trying to recite a Shakespeare ...

Whatta Whiny Week! The Top Ten Crybabies of the Past Seven Days

In the wonderful new world that's being lovingly sculpted by the nice people who know what's best for us, peace on Earth will apparently never come until everyone everywhere is either offended or apologizing all the time. This eternal cycle of grievance and repentance, most of it revolving around ...

Jared Taylor

Fear of an Erudite White

Jared Taylor. White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century. New Century Books, 2011. 342 pp. It's hard to find things to hate about Jared Taylor, and that's what his enemies seem to hate about him the most. In a culture where "€œthe racist"€"€”who is always white"€”has been ...

Michael Moore

Limo Driver Murders Limousine Liberal!

It's no coincidence that both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were born into cozy bourgeois households nestled high above the dirty claws of proletarian squalor. Neither is it a coincidence that the loudest voices squalling these days against "€œthe rich"€ and "€œthe powerful"€ are ...

Andy Dalton

Will America Tolerate a Redheaded Quarterback?

With the NFL draft approaching this Thursday, an unidentified pro football executive recently asked a reporter whether Rose Bowl-winning quarterback Andy Dalton's cheese doodle-colored hair might impede his ability to succeed in the big leagues: Has there ever been a redheaded quarterback in the ...

Rev. Jesse Jackson

Down-Low Under the Rainbow?: Jesse Jackson Accused of Gay Harassment

Upon hearing that an openly (and screamingly!) gay black male ex-employee of Rainbow/PUSH had filed a complaint against Jesse Jackson and his organization for discrimination and sexual harassment, questions began popping into my mind as if they were illicit erections in a lonely motel room out near ...

Fort Pickens, Florida

The Real Reason We Build Forts

A punchably positive viral video that popped up like a smiley-faced genital wart a couple weeks ago featured four chipper young SoCal Caucasians seeking seed money to help them skip merrily across America building forts with strangers. That's right"€”forts. With strangers, too! While ...

George Carlin

Seven Ideas You Can Never Discuss on Television

In 1972 comedian George Carlin famously delineated the "€œSeven Words You Can Never Say on Television."€ All seven words dealt with bodily parts or functions at a time when such things were simply not mentioned in polite company. If anything, Carlin was understating the case"€”back then, I ...