You can"t miss the signs, despite our leaders" reassuring statements, which would have us believe everything is just fine when it is not. The Fed's too spooked to move on ...
"Racist Rant Shelves Shock Jock," screamed the front page of New York's Daily News in July of last year. Anthony Cumia was fired from his twenty-year gig with The Opie ...
There is no quality more fleeting than modernity and nothing staler than an analysis of a past crisis that was written at the time it was happening. The problem with our present ...
Steve Jobs, the superbly theatrical film about the Apple cofounder's turbulent mid-career arc, opened in Los Angeles and New York over the weekend to the best per-theater grosses ...
"Who the hell is David Wong?" I asked that at my blog back in September 2007. I"d just read a pretty impressive essay called "7 Reasons the 21st Century is ...
I am no great admirer of management as a science or of managers as people. The latter tend to speak a strange language, a jargon neither elegant nor poetic; they buy very dull ...
An old Australian judge of my acquaintance, an art collector and general connoisseur, now dead, alas, had no interest in cars and used to answer inquiries as to what car he ...
Vermont senator Bernie Sanders is nipping at Hillary Clinton's two-inch heels in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination based largely upon his higher-education plan. ...
Two of the better movies of 2015 are weirdly similar musical biopics about bands from Los Angeles" south suburbs. Last June's Love & Mercy profiled Brian Wilson of the ...
Since China devalued its currency 3 percent, global markets have gone into a tailspin. Why should this be? After all, 3 percent devaluation in China could be countered by a U.S. ...
"Can"t go to a movie the first week it opens. Why? Because niggers are shooting at the screen." "Chris Rock, 1997 Still wondering if Marco Rubio should get to sit ...
When four Soviet diplomats were captured by jihadis in Beirut in 1985, the Russians returned the favor by capturing, castrating, and butchering a close relative of a Hezbollah ...
In the face of global hysteria bordering on madness I have to take a deep breath and grit my teeth to humbly offer a few temperate words. I write not in defense of Walter Palmer, ...
Of the 2.2 million Americans in prison right now, about half are there for drug-related offenses. It's a tricky number to determine because felonies such as murder, assault, ...
Among the measures demanded of Greece by its creditors in return for yet another pretense that its debt is actually performing and therefore does not have to be written off, I ...
I have signed an affidavit for a hearing this week in the High Court stating that Janan Harb was to my knowledge married to Fahd of Saudi Arabia, who later became head of that ...