Taylor Swift

Born-Again Virgin

We have just witnessed a curious phenomenon in the U.K. Bloodthirsty conglomerate Virgin unilaterally withdrew the Daily Mail from its public-transport arm. A preening statement ...

“Nuke That Rascal’s Website”

NEW YORK—Every day somebody howls for the shutdown of a website, the squelching of a Twitter account, the nuking of a Facebook page, the removal of a video or a screed or a ...

Republicans Bet the Farm

President Trump, every Republican senator, and the GOP majority in Speaker Paul Ryan’s House just put the future of their party on the line. By enacting the largest tax cut ...

A Madness at the Heart of Modern Consumerism

The advent of a White Christmas is now heralded by Black Friday: this infamous moment when the grand coalition of Western capitalism starts whipping its adherents toward the ...

The Emperor’s New Ads

The New York Times announced on Monday: The internet search giant [Google] also confirmed earlier reports that the Internet Research Agency [a Kremlin-linked hasbara outfit] had ...

The Big Myth About Dirty Jobs, Minimum Wage, and Illegal Immigration

NEW YORK—Wherever you stand on the Wetback Issue, you’re no longer allowed to say the following sentence: “Mexicans only take the dirty jobs that Americans won’t ...

Jeff Bezos

Sins of Silicon Valley

Instead of getting life without parole in one of those white isolation cells in the toughest of jails for aiding and abetting terrorism, he is feted the world over and is ...

The Haiti of Europe

Greece is a small beautiful country in the southeastern part of Europe, a place of jasmine, bougainvillea, mimosa, cypresses, olive trees, pines, oregano, sage, and thyme; sand, ...

Google Tech Fired for Using Google

Google is a brilliant search engine where they accrue seemingly infinite amounts of data and organize it into patterns. When you type in “cars” it takes you to the most ...

The Trillion-Dollar Question

Back in March, I asked in my Taki’s Magazine column “Diversity Versus Debate”: Does the increasing campus hysteria and antirationality portend bad news for Silicon Valley? ...

Robots of the World, Unite!

Antonio Garcia Martinez says he has seen the future, and it made him flee for the woods. Whereas he had previously toiled as a strategist for Goldman Sachs, an advisor for ...

Westminster, U.K.

The Shipbuilder’s Words

In the first chapter of Shadows of Empire, a novel I wrote twenty years ago, an old shipbuilder and shipping magnate, in conversation with his grandson, my narrator, speaks up in ...

Charlize Theron

American’s Got Talent and Hope

Most of us here agree that PC has taken over, but it's worth doing a random sampling to see how true that is. What I learned will surprise you. It might not be as ubiquitous as ...

Haul of Injustice

Peonage, in which workers are bound to their jobs by debts to their employers, is a traditional curse of Latin American cultures. Perhaps inevitably, as the United States merges ...

Hope for the Luddites

Mark that one presidential promise unmet. The much-celebrated deal hatched between the incoming Trump administration and air conditioner manufacturer Carrier has fallen through. ...

Defying the Dead

Of all the unproductive and pernicious taxes, I"€™ve long regarded the estate tax as the most antithetical to a just society. To work your entire life and pass on your earnings ...

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