Regarding pop music, Miley Cyrus once said, “It’s not the notes you play that matter, it’s the notes you don’t.” Wait, that was Miles Davis, and he was speaking about jazz. Oh, and there’s no proof he ever said it. You gotta be careful with quotes. As in, don’t pass a speech-squelching law based on a fake one. Like in Washington State, where the Democrat-controlled legislature just passed a bill that prohibits the use of the word “marijuana” in all official documents. “Don’t say gay”? In Washington it’s “don’t say Mary J.” And why was the evil word ...
I call it “FrankenCovid”—the theory that Covid-19 was created by scientists in a Wuhan lab and released either on purpose or by accident. Adherents hold that the proven sequence of events that ...
Rapper Kanye West was just carted away to a mental institution for #TrumpingWhileBlack and he will likely spend Thanksgiving in his hospital room. West's team has canceled his tour and concluded he's ...
I"ve taken a lot of shots at Trump this election season, and there's really no need for me to pile on now. Hell, when your own VP admits that he's ashamed of you, ...
When it comes to sexual equity in the workplace, the biggest “gender gap” of all is the fact that men suffer around 92% of all job-related fatalities. According to ...
The U.S. Department of Education just ruled that an Illinois school district violated the rights of a transgender student by not letting him use the girls" locker room. The ...
Jacques Chirac, when he was mayor of Paris, offered the municipal workers a deal: They could have a short workweek if in exchange they agreed to verification that they actually ...
Last week President Barack Hussein Elijah Muhammad Obama visited his alcoholic deadbeat dad’s homeland of Kenya, where he found it incumbent upon himself to lecture the ...
Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning him today. No one would be marching for Freddie. No ...
It’s Black History Month, but gays are the new blacks, so let’s dip into some timely homosexual lore: On Valentine’s Day, 1974, we were informed that ...
Sure, the Irish are a little slow, but it took them longer than you’d think to leap onto the “genocide” bandwagon (or should that be “cattle ...
While grazing hither and yon around the glades of the Internet, I stumbled on the Reverend Al Sharpton, who was demanding reparations for slavery. He was against slavery, I ...
Lord Acton’s famous maxim that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is such a nakedly accurate observation of human nature that one ...
On Tuesday, the "progressive news site" Raw Story did a piece about a three-year-old in North Carolina who was killed while playing with a pink handgun. The site, which ...
Last week we learned that the guy who made that anti-Muslim film is going to prison for a year. It is apparently now illegal to embarrass this administration. What I find even ...
The price-gouging sweatshop-clothing chain The Gap is enduring a tempest in a T-shirt over a $30 “designer” tee featuring the words MANIFEST DESTINY. What is being ...