The Week’s Most Pneumonic, Teutonic, and Demonic Headlines ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: WORKERS OF THE WORLD, STOP WORKING! Are we the first to notice how much the shovel-faced ...
If you’ve learned anything from the coronavirus pandemic, you should have at least learned that the world is stuffed to the rafters with know-it-alls who don’t know ...
The European mainstream understands perfectly that supporting immigration will harm Europe, which is precisely why they support ...
The Week’s Most Dyspeptic, Antiseptic, and Narcoleptic Headlines IS CORONAVIRUS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO TRUMP? The thing about ideologues is that they will exploit ...
If someone shoots up the FRC again, will the SPLC get away with it ...
Apparently Charles M. Schulz’s corpse didn’t learn anything from our bold ...
Beware of anyone who apologizes without also handing you a check for a million ...
It’s more likely that in Iran, the coronavirus will spread through the shrine-licking Muslim’s body rather than any of Allah’s ...
In case you were unaware—or, more likely, you were so keenly aware that you decided it was wise to keep your mouth shut decades ago, which is why you still have a job and ...
Socialists believe in equality and that all disparities in performance are due to hatred and greed rather than disparities in ability, which is supremely ...
China—birthplace of the coronavirus and the place where it was possibly invented—is a nation of 1.4 billion people, roughly three of whom are free to speak their mind at any ...
At this point, it’s safer never to open your mouth. Just let everyone else yell at you, and we’ll all live happily ever ...
Anti-whiteness gives people of all races an excuse to be racist in the name of ...
Did you ever get the sense that half of the world sees a completely different world than you ...
If the Times actually practiced journalism instead of peddling ideology, they would realize that to qualify as a “white nationalist,” much less an “open” one, someone ...
Ricky Gervais is a British comedian who strikes us as effeminate, but that might be because all British males strike us as ...