Louis Vasquez (courtesy of Covina Police Department)

The Problem With Race Wars Among Minorities

I can only guess that the reason you don"€™t hear much about black-versus-Hispanic violence in America is that you"€™re not supposed to hear much about it. It's the sort of thing that swims upstream against the dominant ...

Donald, You Ignorant Slut

NEW YORK—All over America IKEA futons are groaning with the restless insomnia of journalists"€”tossing, turning, cursing the impotence of their melatonin capsules"€”burdened with the future of the Republic. Long ...

Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey

The Romance of American Blackness

In last week’s Radio Derb I uttered some unkind words about Oprah Winfrey. The week before that, in a VDARE column, I had been uncharitable about the movie Ms. Winfrey has been so vigorously promoting recently and in ...

10 Hatefacts for Those Who Hate Facts

I first encountered the word "€œhatefact"€ while drinking with someone"€”either "€œshock jock"€ Anthony Cumia at a grimy Midtown bar or VDARE's erudite Peter Brimelow at the incurably snobby New York Athletic ...

Another Word for “€œHolocaust”€

Last week saw commemorations of the 75th anniversary of Germany's Kristallnacht and the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor. Judging from Western news coverage, Kristallnacht wins by a landslide. On Google News, ...

God Bless the Right-Wing Social Justice Warriors

"€œInvent a weapon,"€ Jordan Peterson said on Tuesday, "€œand your enemies will have it within one generation."€ He was talking about Gamergate feminist Brianna Wu, who was learning the hard way that YouTube's ...

The Barren Wombs of Smart Women

A statistical analysis from England suggests that a woman’s IQ is inversely proportional to her desire to breed. This, in turn, suggests that the world will grow dumber with every new day. In his book The ...

Doing Time on “€˜The Daily Show”€™

When someone remotely non-liberal agrees to appear on The Daily Show, they are knowingly throwing themselves to the wolves. It's dozens of people and thousands of dollars devoted to portraying the white male patriarchy as a ...

Paula Deen

The Cruelty of the Overclass

Here is David Gelernter’s classic take on Virginia Military Institute being forced by the US Supreme Court in 1996 to admit women: The elite hated VMI, and no doubt VMI hated the elite"€”another even match-up, ...

The First Rule of White Club

I have found that, in the African-American oral tradition, if the words are enunciated eloquently enough, no one examines the meaning for definitive truth. —Biracial novelist Mat Johnson, Loving Day, 2015 America's ...

Spare the Job, Wreck the Child

It's a cliché to bitch about how hard it was when you were their age, but Jesus Christ, do the kids today even know what sweat is? I had a relative send me his resume recently and there wasn"€™t one real job on it. He ...

10 Things I Like About Black People

They say the North likes blacks in theory but not in practice, while the South likes blacks in practice but not in theory. I think I"€™m a Southerner at heart, which makes sense. In Black Rednecks and White Liberals, ...

Ben Shapiro

The 16 Most Annoying People of 2016

Considering the state of this world, it is perfectly understandable to find oneself being constantly annoyed. As each year winds to an end, I find myself surveying the past twelve months and thinking about who annoyed me. ...

Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio

Tarantino Punches the Damn Dirty Hippies

The stifling conformity of the Great Awokening has now driven even Quentin Tarantino to the subversive right. His immensely enjoyable buddy comedy Once Upon in a Time...in Hollywood, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt ...

Feminism As a Mating Strategy Among Beta Males

First they came for the male feminists, and no one spoke out"€”because no one likes them, not even the female feminists. Dearest faithful reader, I"€™m a man who finds something to dislike about nearly everything and ...

Normalizing Degeneracy

Earlier this week we learned that Micah Rhodes, one of the heads of Portland's Resistance movement, is a pedophile. He was arrested for political action but then brought into court for sexual charges totally unrelated to ...

Why Kate Middleton is Prince William’s Only Option

It goes without saying that Prince William is considered by many to be the most eligible bachelor in the world. He's handsome; he"€™ll inherit the Crown Jewels; the Queen is his granny; Prime Ministers and Presidents will ...

Integration and Immigration

Respectable opinion is trending toward once again viewing “segregation” as the great problem afflicting America. For example, Senator Kamala Harris is demanding another round of busing in order to use white children to ...

Our New Planet Is Going to Be Great!

The fundamental issue of the 2020 presidential campaign is rapidly becoming whether or not America’s whites, as exemplified in the person of Donald Trump, have the right to block the world’s blacks and Muslims, as ...

Top 10 Trump Myths

Fake news site Buzzfeed just published a fake news story that is so fake, it's not even fake news. "€œIt's just fake,"€ as Kellyanne Conway put it. The editor of Buzzfeed himself says he has "€œserious reason to ...

Marine Le Pen

Something Smells Vichy in France

Can anyone point me in the direction of the far right? How far is it, say, from the center? Is it more “out there” than the extreme right? Is the far right limitless, or do you eventually reach a dead end? I ...

John Cleese

10 Great Things About the Brits

A lot of things about Great Britain aren"€™t so great. Their bathrooms are freezing and if you want a shower, you have to turn on the hot water tank and wait twenty minutes. They have class stuck so far up their ass, they ...

Smashing Through the Glass Coffin

When it comes to sexual equity in the workplace, the biggest “gender gap” of all is the fact that men suffer around 92% of all job-related fatalities. According to Bureau of Labor statistics from 1992-2014, ...

Grab the Popcorn, the Left Is Imploding

Last week I discussed our present state of "€œpeak topsy-turvy."€ It was a frustrating climb, but the reward at the top is we get to watch the "€œinmates who took over the journalistic asylum"€ destroy ...

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