On Friday at high noon, I saw a matinee of the feverishly hyped film Joker at a megaplex in rural Georgia on the first day of its official release. As we handed our tickets to the small, doughy, middle-aged female theater worker, she demanded to inspect my girlfriend’s purse. She found no ...
Permit me to confess that I’m not exactly a fan of our friends in the insect kingdom. Regarding one of the most disgusting sights mine eyes have ever seen—that of a rat scurrying across Manhattan’s Washington Square Park with a cockroach in its mouth—my revulsion was rooted in the fact that ...
Canadians like to tell themselves that their nation is progressive and tolerant, but they are masters at the art of self-deception. Even though Canada is larger than the USA in geographic terms, it only holds one-tenth as many people because it’s cold as shit and nobody wants to live there. ...
You probably have heard of the Anti-Defamation League, AKA the ADL. If not, the mainstream press will immediately spring to attention and inform you that they are an “anti-hate charity,” an “anti-hate group,” an “anti-hate group,” (hey, I’m not the one being redundant here), an ...
If you get any kind of pleasure from watching bearded, wig-wearing Mongolian Idiots in leather jumpsuits with their faces caked in makeup twerking their flabby asses to the delight of bar crowds who are not mentally impaired but may have significant emotional problems, far be it from me to deny you ...
“I want to be clear—I’m not going nuts,” Joe Biden assured a crowd in New Hampshire last Friday. It was merely the latest in a lifetime of lies this serial fabulist has told. ALL of the available evidence proves that he is clearly going nuts. Perhaps part of it is due to the pressure of ...
Marianne Williamson is easily the most entertaining candidate the Democrats have belched up this go-round, so let us gather to celebrate her campaign before it likely craps out on Wednesday and she gets disqualified from the third debate because she couldn’t even scratch together a measly 2% ...
As the story goes, Jeffrey Epstein hanged himself with a jail bedsheet in the early morning hours of Saturday, August 10. Six days later, New York City’s medical examiner announced that the cause of death was suicide by hanging. Problem is, nobody I know believes this. And according to a ...
According to the experts, America is a country whose most fearsome enemy is not only the majority of its people—the majority of its people are also the nation’s biggest threat and its ultimate outsiders. Weird, huh? I didn’t even know that was possible. For at least a generation, we’ve ...
On Friday I appeared live on Red Ice TV’s YouTube channel and was informed that due to YouTube’s increasingly censorious policies, I must refrain from using the “R” word—“replacement”—when referring to the fact that only European-majority nations are being forced to dilute their ...