If there is a Next Wave of Transgenderism, Jonathan Yaniv is surfing its crest. He’s such an odd duck, even many trannies are distancing themselves from him. Jonathan is his birth name, and as far as I’m aware it’s still his legal name, although he insists on being called “Jessica.” He ...
About a month ago, this site’s editrix informed the writers that she’d be taking a much-needed break this week and if we wanted to run a feature anyway, we’d have to submit it in advance. I decided to submit an article but take a week off from politics. In the long run, thinking about ...
We’re supposed to be excited that the American women’s soccer team recently won the World Cup. But just as very few people who aren’t Canadian care about Canada, very few people beyond women and a select few gelded males care about women’s sports. And from my observations, very few ...
It takes an extreme level of ethical retardation to walk up to someone who is not threatening you, punch them in the face, and claim it’s in self-defense. But that’s exactly how the masked pussies of Antifa depict their street violence. On June 29th during one of the endlessly inane street ...
Last Wednesday and Thursday night, the top twenty Democratic presidential candidates—yes, there are actually more than twenty—locked horns in Miami to bitch about corporations, racial injustice, brown children who are denied Facebook access in concentration camps, how guns are uncool, and all ...
I always liked the idea of Texas—a massive, arrogant, sun-scorched, red-blooded homeland for impenitent cattle rustlers who provided a cultural counterpoint to the sniffly, snobby classes of the Eastern seaboard. Back when America was all about expansion rather than retreat, Texas was far more ...
In case you were unfamiliar with the term “The JQ,” it is shorthand for “The Jewish Question,” which has been asked in different forms since at least the mid-1700s but probably ever since the Jewish diaspora started and they found themselves aliens in foreign and often hostile populations. ...
Last Wednesday, The New York Times published a long feature article called “Madonna at Sixty,” which, if the title didn’t telegraph its theme clearly enough for you, focused on the sexagenarian superstar’s efforts to remain relevant and sexy in a music industry dominated by teens and young ...
The biggest news story of the past few years is one that the mainstream press won’t touch, mainly because the mainstream press is an accomplice to the crime. Journalistic objectivity is ultimately impossible because everyone has their biases, and few people are autistic enough to coldly and ...
In the grand tradition of primates tossing feces at perceived rivals, leftists in the UK have lately taken to throwing milkshakes at right-leaning figures they hyperbolically refer to as fascists. And as with the multifarious nasty things that they do, they justify it in the name of some “greater ...